Challenge 1 - Learn your new pattern
White belts - 4 directional punch
Black belts - all 3 of your patterns
When you have the pattern ready to perform record it on video.
Measure the height of your front and middle splits once a week. Do the stretches as shown in videos 3 times a week. if you start 30cm from the floor you want to be at 21cm to pass the challenge. Take a photo each week to record your progress.
White belts - 3 step 1&2
Other grades learn up to your grade
white to green belt - front, turning, side
green to black strips - side, reverse side, reverse turning
black - reverse turning, spinning hook, jumping reverse side, axe
set a 2 min timer.
45 seconds - max press up
15 seconds - rest
45 seconds - max sit up
15 seconds - rest
45 seconds - max burpee
1 point per press up
1 point per sit up
2 points per burpee
Add up your total score and beat it each time. the more often you do the test the fitter you become.